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31. Married to the best dude on earth. Obsessed with my English Bulldog Kreacher. I'm trying to not suck.

Wednesday, August 31, 2011

Can't Forget, We Only Get What We Give!

Does anyone remember this bat-shit-crazy-bald-headed-nut-job from the 90's? If you don't, her name is Suzanne Powter, and for a hot minute, she was all the rage in the world of fitness infomercials. I can only assume that her marketing strategy was to annoy people into buying her products. At all hours of the night, this woman would explode onto my television set screaming things like, "Stop the insanity!", and "My thighs aren't touching anymore!!" She was a huge proponent of the idea that eating fat makes people fat (I refuse to touch this one).

Needless to say, like many fitness gimmicks before and after, I fell victim to Suzie and her shenanigans.  I was chubby.  I had some birthday money to blow. I bought the book.  I was 12 (I continue to be a wet dream for marketing teams everywhere).  I'm almost positive that I read said book while eating a Snickers and performing leg lifts, before tenderly placing it in the donation pile. 

I was always looking for a quick fix, some sort of miracle diet solution that would magically transform me into whatever spokesmodel was marketing "X" product (See also: The Grapefruit Diet, The Cabbage Soup Diet, The Atkins Diet, The Ab Roller, The Zone, The Master Cleanse, The Thigh Master, The South Beach Diet, The Stacker 2 Diet (a.k.a. butt bulemia), The Cindy Crawford Workout, Sweatin' to the Oldies, Tae Bo, Walk Away the Pounds, Yoga Booty Ballet, Hip Hop Abs, Strip Tease Aerobics, etc).  I have given so much of my damn money to the fitness industry, and on not one occassion have I looked in the mirror and resembled Carmen Electra or Cindy Crawford.  There also hasn't been a single freakin' day since birth (and I'm putting it out there) where my thighs HAVEN'T touched. I'm serious folks, I was a lard covered baby - I was predestined for a certain amount of fluffiness.

Any initial motivation I was able to conjure for these plans inevitably dissipated on Day 2 when the scale did not greet me with dramatic results.   It was almost as if I expected pounds and inches to immediately melt away just because I was reading books about weight loss. It was exactly as if I expected to go to sleep looking like Fatty McFatterson and then to wake up looking like Giselle, simply because I had managed to watch a workout video.  Generally, I failed to succeed with any of these diets or devices because I was too bored, too fixated on an unobtainable end result, and too unwilling to put in any real amount of effort.

The truth is, while some of those products and diet plans were absolutely bananas, it's not that Leslie Sansone and her merry group of geriatrics failed to provide me with the proper tools to walk away my pounds, or that Richard Simmons didn't shake, rattle, and roll enough for me to burn a few calories.  The Ab Roller also didn't let me down; I'm sure that I would have had a lovely six-pack if I had used it as it was truly intended to be used as opposed to a mechanism for drying my bras.
As I get older, and a tad bit wiser, it becomes more evident everyday that the only way to get paid big is to work hard, or to get lucky - and I'm not that lucky...

...so I'm finally working hard.  Can you imagine that after three months of busting my ass at CrossFit, ignoring the scale monster, eating normal food when I'm hungry*, and having an all-around good time, I would be starting to see some sweet results?  Wild, isn't it?  Funnily enough, one of the things I'm loving most about CrossFit right now, is the weight lifting aspect, which was one of the things I was initially most turned off by.  Now, I know that there is this huge misconception out there that women will naturally "bulk up" if they lift weights.  I too, believed this theory in the past, and used it as an excuse to avoid anything that wasn't cardio at all costs. If you are a current subscriber to this concept, I'm here to tell you that I'm pretty sure you can throw that weird-beard idea right out the window.

Fact #1: because of my PCOS, I have more testosterone than a typical woman (I know - totally sexy)
Fact #2: I'm lifting weights five times a week.
Fact #3: I'm getting smaller (at least that's what people keep telling me)

I'm not telling everyone to go out there and start slinging weights around (especially not unsupervised), but if you haven't done it (and I'm lookin' at you ladies), maybe give it a try! You might find that it feels good to blow off the weight of the world with some literal weight on your shoulders.  If it's not your thing, that's cool!  What's your thing?  Does it get you moving?  Does it get you sweaty?  Do you love to do it?  Good!  Whatever that thing is - keep doing it.  Just don't continue to be a knucklehead like I was, and pretend that you are going to mysteriously get fit by half-assing it.

What it comes down to for me, is that I finally found a gimmick-free program that makes it easy for me to work hard - and it feels good - real good.

Fact #4: When I look in the mirror now, I don't expect to see anyone else. I see me getting strong, and I love it... and also...sometimes..I flex - so there.  HOT SHIT!

*I'm actually eating like a beast and could use some nutritional advice if anyone is willing to dole it out to ensure that I don't go apeshit.

Upcoming Events:

I'm participating in my first CrossFit fundraising event this weekend.  It's called 31 Heroes, it's a grueling 31 minute workout, and all proceeds will benefit the families of the brave Navy Seals who lost their lives on August 6th.  If you would like to contribute or read more about this cause, please do:  http://31heroes.com/donations/

My second event is taking place on 9/11.  It's an equally grueling workout that will directly benefit wounded soldiers, veterans, and their families.  If you can find it in your heart or wallet, even a dollar would help!  Again, to read more or contribute: https://fgb6.rapidgiving.com/frp/fundraise.aspx?pk=W7F5T1Z

Thanks for being awesome, everyone.  If you keep reading, I'll keep writing. XO

Wednesday, August 24, 2011

Baby, You're Makin' it Harder, Better, Faster, Stronger!

Several posts ago, I had included several short-term goals.  I will admit that while fiddling with that entry, I was hesitant to include them. I knew that once they were published, I would have no choice but to WOman up and tackle them.  It's one thing to manage self-disappointment, but it's an alltogether awful thing to manage others being disappointed in you. When I sat down to set those goals, I honestly thought they seemed lofty and distant, but nonetheless, I dedicated myself to meeting them.

I wish that I had a video of my first CrossFit workout to share. This is not to say that anything I'm doing now looks particularly pretty, but I struggled through every movement of that first WOD. It was a team workout, and Brandon had to finish a portion of my sit-ups because I maxed out at 30.  There were two 400 meter runs, and I had to walk for half of each.  I initially left wheezing, dejected, crippled, and on the verge of tears, but  thankfully, I quickly turned that negativity into determination. That was three months ago.  Never in my wildest Justin-Timberlake-filled-dreams, did I imagine that today, barely three weeks after setting my first goals, I would be writing this update to announce that - drumroll, please - I've met almost all of my original goals, and that I'm ready to set some new ones (queue "We are the Champions").

[allow me to step on my soapbox for just a moment before I get to the aforementioned goals]

For anyone who has been reading this blog and thinking that you will never be healthy or strong because it's too late to try and clean up your foolishness, I want you to stop what you're doing. I want you to tell that creepy little voice in your head, who has been feeding you this bullshit for longer than you can remember, to SHUT THE F*CK UP!  And when that voice comes back, and tries to dirty up your brain again (because it always does), rinse and repeat.  I don't claim to be an expert on much, but I am 100% sure that you are never going to get anywhere you want to be if you keep sabotaging yourself.  I was my own victim for too long.  The pity party is over folks! Now, I'm not telling everyone to go out and join a CrossFit gym, but I am telling everyone who is currently unhealthy to strongly consider doing something - ANYTHING about it. [end rant]

To keep me honest, here is a recap of progress against my original goals and documentation of my new goals...

Original Goals

1) Perform one well-executed girly push-up:  I met this goal over a week ago, and thanks to some arm-heavy programming, I've performed many since.  My once worm-like girly push-up is now stronger and plank-like.

2) Get faster on runs:  I'm still glowing about this one, being that it's the most recent of my accomplishments.  Upon joining CrossFit, I was averaging a 15+ minute mile.  If you are doing the calculation in your brain, you aren't going crazy, yes, my "run" was something more  closely related to an extremely slow shuffle.  A month ago, I clocked a mile at 10:58, which blew my mind.  Last night, driving to the gym, I told Brandon that I would shit a happy brick if I could make it back to the garage faster than that.  I don't know who looked more surprised when I rolled in at 9:18.  

3) Move from the rings to the band for pull-ups and chin-ups:  I've already updated y'all on this one, but I've now successfully completed three workouts on the band.

4) Incorporate cleaner food choices into my diet: This is going very well.  I've made significant cuts in the amount of gluten and refined sugar I'm eating, and have recently made friends with lean meats.  I'm feeling better already, but as always, I have to give you the truth, even if it isn't cute.  Like a crackhead looking for rock, I find myself in the candy bowl each and every night, unable to sleep without my daily fun-sized Almond Joy.

5) Complete a 30-Day Paleo challenge in October:  The foundation for this goal is currently being set - I just need to be sure I can avoid my Almond Joy dealer.

6) Stop whining about the things I can't do:  CHECK!  I'm currently too busy being happy about the things I can do to whine.

New Goals

1) Perform a well-executed push-up on my toes
2) Run an 8-minute mile
3) Move to the green band for pull-ups

Well, I'm off to celebrate my accomplishments by enjoying my rest day with a nice home-cooked paleo-ish meal and that tall drink of water I'm married to.  As always, thanks for all the blog love!

Thursday, August 18, 2011

This Shit is Bananas!

I get 195,000 hits when I Google, "is CrossFit a cult?"
I asked trusty Mr. Google this question because some of my friends were tossing around this very idea.  Sure, they smiled and nodded like good friends do when I told them I joined a CrossFit gym, but they were secretly sitting on eggshells, carefully watching me, and waiting for the familiar and frightening glaze to start forming in my eyes. To some, I'm spontaneous and cooky.  To these life-long friends, I'm absolutely predictable. They have been through way too much with me. Because they love me like a fat kid loves cake, they knew this "CrossFit Situation" had to be handled particularly delicately, and thus, they recently "sat me down" for a mini intervention. 

Trust when i say, they had every right to be concerned as I have a long history of throwing myself into things in the most apeshit of fashions.

I will fully admit, this has always been a fatal flaw of mine. If I'm into something, I will get innapropriately obsessed with that thing (I'm talkin' utterly bananas!).  I will go rogue, cutting off all contact with the outside world, to focus on that thing, and that thing only.  I will then take that thing, no matter what it is, and rock.the.ever.living.shit.out.of.it! That is, until I get bored or hurt.

Some examples of things I've gotten into that I've taken too damn far:
  • Eating
  • Not Eating (see also Stacker 2 and/or 3)
  • Drinking
  • Not Drinking
  • Jesus (I still got mad love for the big JC)
  • Acid
  • *NSYNC (I'm still apologizing for this phase)
  • Knee-highs (this phase hasn't even started, but I'm warning you that I'm going to take it way too far)
When we get down to it, I'm a sicko with an addictive personality, and a strong tendency to partake in "cult-like" behavior. The first step is admitting you have a problem, right?

So am I drinking the proverbial Kool-Aid again?  The answer is "yes," and it's also "no".

The truth of the matter is I'm totally into this CrossFit thing. I have a huge boner for my gym.  I get a super "high" after each workout.  I love my coaches and the members. I love the results.  Honestly, I don't see how anyone could come into my gym and NOT fall in love with the program and the people.  Do I feel a strong sense of community?  Yes!  Do I find myself thinking about CrossFit all the time?  Yes!  Do I find pleasure in the pain at the end of my workout?  YES!  That sounds very cultish - but stay with me here...

While I am committed to CrossFit and my health overall, I have no plans to quit my job, shave my head, and set up a shrine to the CrossFit founders in my secret dungeon (location not to be disclosed for the safety of my future obsessive endeavors).  And while I am going harder at this than anything ever before (*NSYNC choreography aside), I trust my coaches 100%, and know that they would never even allow me to do anything if they thought it would harm me.  Shit, these coaches are so smart, they even limit the amount of times you can workout a week, because I'm sure they anticipated there would be bozos like me who would overdue it if they were able to.

I know that I am blessed with an amazing family and the most wonderful friends a girl could ever ask for, and I PROMISE that I will not lose sight of this again.  In fact, for the first time, this is an obsession of mine that I believe can exist harmoniously with the rest of the pieces of my life that are already in place. 

It's an odd thing, but when you are forced to push yourself physically, you almost have no choice but to get stronger mentally - and I THINK - because of this, I just might wind up being a better wife, dog mom, daughter, sister, friend, etc.

But as all things must come to an end, so must this post.  I'm glad my friends care about me enough to ensure I'm not drifting down crazy creek yet again!  I hope they know now that I'm going to ensure there is plenty of room in my life for my old loves and my new loves, although, they are going to have to agree to make some more room in their lives for my new muscles ;). 

If loving CrossFit is wrong, I don't want to be right! (SEXUAL CHOCOLATE)

Tuesday, August 16, 2011

Whoop, Whoop, Pull Over That Ass Too Fat!

I now humbly present to you, the Before and In Progress post...

To the left, I offer to you, the dreaded "Before" picture. The Porky Police should have pulled my ass over around the time that this picture was taken, but it's an awkward and awful task to tell a loved one that they are packing on the pounds (yet again) without sounding like a huge douche. This is one of the only pictures I could find of me at my heaviest, because I would delete 99% of the pictures my husband took of me out of shame.
Funnily enough, this picture probably only survived because I thought I looked thin in it.  Looking at it now, I make my 50-pound dog look like a beanie baby, and I'm larger than the sprawling Oak in the background.  I had a 40-inch waist, which I discovered during an all-time-low-moment at a dress fitting.  I was well on my way to full-blown diabetes, a heart attack, a stroke - you name it! 

To the right, I present my "In Progress" picture.  This is important to say - while it sure is nice to be able to wear cute clothes in a smaller size, and not cringe when looking in the mirror, I'm SLOWLY becoming less concerned with the scale, and more concerned about how I feel and what I can do. 

Although it makes apparent the fact that I've lost some weight, the picture to the right doesn't show that I have a better attitude, more energy, more motivation, and more self confidence. It doesn't show that I can breath better, and that I don't get sick as often, or that I don't fall into extended periods of depression anymore.  It's the improvements in things the picture doesn't show that are currently making life a whole lot better, and keeping me on track to meet new goals.  Alright...the mirror is doing a pretty good job of keeping me on track as well. 

In summary, I'm certainly proud of my progress, but I know that I still have challenges ahead. I need to work on getting stronger, faster, and eating cleaner so that I can continue to kick my PCOS in the jugular.

Short-Term Goals Update!
  • I completed workout numero deux on the band instead of the rings. I quickly discovered that an all pull-up workout is much harder for me than a workout that allows you to switch from pull-ups to chin-ups.  I did it anyhow and the sweat burning my eyeballs was welcomed.
  • I think my push-up form has improved.  We have push-ups tonight, so perhaps I'll have an official ruling on that in my next post.
  • I have slowly started to cut out sugar and gluten from my diet and I'm feeling great!  I'm hoping that by the time October comes, my 30-day challenge should be a piece of cake.
Back Injury/Progress Update
If you read last week's post, you are aware that Grandma Jill pulled her back while applying her daily underwear :).  After a ton of foam rolling, stretching, massaging, and Aleve, I'm on the mend!  I was able to participate in modified workouts last week, and the full workout last night.  I did 30 reps of an 125# deadlift which was very exciting.  I don't have a rope climb yet, despite a few enthusiastic attempts, but I was able to rock a rope-pull from the floor pretty well.

I don't know that there is a finish line in this journey to health, and that's fine, but I'm going to keep running the race (which at my pace is an extremely slow jog...FOR NOW).

Until next time - thanks for reading!

Wednesday, August 10, 2011

I've Fallen, and I Can't Get Up!

Were you wondering where I've been?  I didn't think so.I'm certainly going to tell you though. 

Brandon and I returned from a long weekend in Chicago during the wee hours of the morning.  I had initially hoped that I would come back from this trip well-rested and ready to thrive at the gym, but unfortunately, my body decided otherwise...

We had a great time on Saturday and Sunday, we checked out Navy Pier and ate some of the most delicious food Chicago has to offer.  I also had a snow cone made out of vodka - SAY WHAT?!?!  We clocked about 15 miles of walking AND did a mini-hotel-room-WOD.  I was really feeling like a responsible vacationer who had fully repented for eating a Chicago-style hot dog without shame, but then, Monday morning came (Dun, Dun, Dun).  Competition fishing was on (again), I was boppin' around the hotel room deciding what to wear for my power shopping trip, when WHAM!  Don't cha know I threw my back out while reachin' down to hop into my underoos?  I wish I got hurt in a less geriatric manner, but that's the awful truth, and this wouldn't be an effective blog if I lied to you!

So now, I'm laid up on the couch, with a heating pad and a bag of frozen brussel sprouts googling "Can I WOD with back pain?"  In the past, I would have taken this as an easy excuse to freeze my gym membership for 6 to 9 months to ensure a full recovery, but that's not who I am anymore. 

Now, I'm bummed that I can't kick the shit out of tonight's WOD (2K row, 200 double under jump ropes, and a max deadlift).  I refuse to get too comfortable on this couch.  I'm going to stretch, pop Aleve and move around until WOD time.  I'm going to show up early and talk to the coach.  If I'm cleared to do a modified WOD, great!  If I can't (and coach knows best) I'll cheerlead.  The only thing I don't want to do is stay home.

Short-Term Goal Update:
While being crippled sure is a temporary downer, I do have good news to report!  At the last WOD, I officially switched from the rings to band assisted pull-ups/chin-ups. This particular WOD (lovingly referred to as the Heavy Angie) included 50 pull-ups/chin-ups.  It sure took a while to knock those suckers out, but I did it!

Coming Soon:
It's super awesome that a bunch of you have been reading this thing. You've had a bunch of great questions that I hope to address in the next few posts.  Until then, spanks for reading, and continue to believe in the healing power of unicorns...

Thursday, August 4, 2011

Do it to me one more time, once is never enough...

I've been thinking about what my new short-term goals should be, and this led me to consider the short-term goals I made and achieved over the past two years.  The first came in September 2009, fresh off of a longer than usual business trip to Rome, where my diet consisted only of bread, olive oil, cheese, and wine. Being insulin resistant, and obviously a glutton for punishment, I stepped off of the plane (side note: Jay-Z was also on this plane, HOV<>!) fatter and sicker than ever. My first goal was to lose weight...any amount of weight. My second goal was to not be morbidly obese. My third goal was to run for longer than 2 minutes without stopping.  On and on the goal setting process went.  Each time I met a goal, I shocked myself. I continued to lose weight (at a very slow but healthy pace).  I moved from the morbidly obese category into the less undesirable obese category, and then into the plain-Jane overweight category.

Tangent:  Imagine, if you will, me, not too long ago, in only my underthings, jumping around the bathroom joyously shouting, "I'M OBESE, I'M ONLY OBESE NOW, BABE!" <end tangent>. 

I was eventually able to run a 5K without stopping, and although it was most likely the slowest 5K ever ran in the entire history of running, I felt accomplished. I also felt bored. I traded in running shoes for dance shoes and started Zumba. While it wasn't exactly the down-and-dirty choreography I loved to bust out in my younger days, it wasn't Sweatin' to the Oldies either*.  Whatever it was, it kept me off the couch (I'm so sorry Detective Stabler).

Around this time, a good friend of mine (Paula) started to talk about this whack-ass-torture-chamber-of-a-gym she recently joined, where people did "CrossFit". It sounded awful to me.  I told her so. Each next time we met, she unveiled more details about this gym, and I responded by calling her things like "maniac" and "psycho".  I couldn't understand why anyone (especially a girl) would want to do endurance and strength training when they could get an adequate cardio workout shaking their groove thing to Shakira. Wouldn't Paula get huge?  Wouldn't she want to start oiling up, wearing triangle bikinis, and flexing her muscles to flashy music on ESPN?  Thankfully, the answer to all of these questions I had is "no". Paula is not huge, in fact, she is getting quite small.  I can almost fit her in my pocket (but she will still kick your ass). Fast Forward to two-ish months ago.

Note to the reader: As well as being a great friend, Paula is also one of my tattoo artists. 

During a particularly painful tattoo session, in an attempt to get Paula to talk for an extended period of time without needing a response from me (so that I could avoid whimpering), I asked her to explain CrossFit again in explicit detail.  As a lover of CrossFit and Guerrilla Fitness, Paula went on and on.  Being in a super hazy state of consciousness from the pain, I was brought to some new-age level of understanding for the first time in my life.  Don't get me wrong - nothing Paula said this time was drastically different from anything she had told me before. Everything still sounded absolutely terrible (to me).  Everything about the workouts still seemed too difficult, too stressful, and honestly - too impossible for someone who was in my physical condition. CrossFit sounded like the opposite of fun**That's when it clicked - this was exactly what I needed in my life - something that forced me to push through the bubble gum limits I would otherwise set for myself.

Where were we?  Oh yes, goals.  So here are several of my new short-term goals.  I'm going to share them with you so that you can keep me accountable.

1. Add a well-executed girly push-up to my workout repetoire (Nope, don't "have one" yet)***
2. Get faster on runs
3. Move from the rings to a band-assisted pull-up
4. Begin to incorporate "cleaner" food choices into my diet
5. Successfully complete a 30-day Paleo challenge after European vacation (we come home October 3rd)
6. Stop whining about the things I can't do yet

*No disrespect to Richard Simmons - he runs this motherf*cker, shut yo mouth!
**CrossFit actually is fun (most of the time)
***"Have one"or"Have a": CrossFit terminology for the ability to perform a specific movement.  Example:  Coach 1: "Hey Jill, do you have a pullup yet?"

Thanks to everyone who read the opening post and to those who left encouraging comments!  I hope you continue to enjoy my blabber because I'm really amped to keep this up.

A special thanks to Paula for being Paula :).

Wednesday, August 3, 2011

I don't know where I'm goin' - but I sure know where I've been...

Whitesnake fans?  Anyone? Anyone?

So this is the awkward, typically over-verbose, and obligatory first post where I attempt to catch you up on the past 31 years so that you can get a sense of who I am, and why I thought it was necessary to chronicle the boring ins-and-outs of my daily struggles and accomplishments publicly (this is all under the assumption that I will have "a" reader).  Well lucky for you (yes, I will continue to address my imaginary reader) I'm gonna try to keep it short and sweet - like a cupcake.

The Past 31 Years in a Paragraph:
I've spent most of my life in northern New Jersey.  I'm the youngest of three.  My parents are nuts (in the funniest way possible). I have amazing friends, some of which I've known since Kindergarten. I was voted class flirt in grammar school and class clown in high school - this probably doesn't surprise you if you know me. I was always smart, but incredibly lazy.  I never wanted to do anything that I wasn't amazing at, so I stuck to reading, making people laugh, and on occasion, dancing. I had some rough times, as people often do.  I dabbled in this and that. I got fat and then - not so fat (the wrong way). I graduated high school and started college. I majored in sleeping.  I got super fat. I dropped out of college. I got a really cool job (Pleasurable Piercings). I got skinny (the wrong way). I left my really cool job for corporate america. I turned 21. I was diagnosed with PCOS. I dated a major asshole. I started college again. I got fat again. I dumped the loser. I started dating my now husband (<3sigh<3). We bought a house in Central Jersey, got a beautiful pup, and got married.  Central Jersey did not agree with me. I got depressed.  I became addicted to fast food and Law and Order: SVU*. I graduated college. I got tremendously fat. We sold our house and moved back to North Jersey. I used every ounce of "willpower" I could muster to get off of the couch and start eating better. I lost 60 pounds. We moved again.I got a new job. I joined CrossFit. <end diatribe/get awesome>

What is This Blog Even About, Jill?
It's been one-and-a-half years since I made the decision to get healthy, lose weight (for good), and kick the shit out of my PCOS. It's been two months since I joined CrossFit.  I had thought about starting this blog to coincide with my first CrossFit class, but being a relatively sedentary individual for most of my life, I needed to get past my fears, nervousness, weakness, embarrassment, etc., and really focus on determining whether or not I could truly commit.

I got through the first leg virtually unharmed (despite a few low blows to my ego).  I recently upped my membership to a 5 times a week schedule. I am having to push myself physically and mentally farther everytime I walk into class.  I'm having to resign myself to the fact that I'm not strong or fast, but understanding that, for the first time, it's not a reason to quit. I'm having to swallow my pride and modify or scale my movements, but I'm giving it 100% everytime the clock starts.

I feel like for the first time, I'm learning how to take control of life - really grab it by the balls, ya know?  CrossFit is teaching me about discipline, perseverance, and humility.  I watch the athletes who train along side of me, and instead of filling me with feelings of intimidation or inferiority, they fuel this new fire started deep inside that just wants me to kick a little ass. 

I wanted to start this blog to track my progress, and maybe give some insight to others who think they are too fat, lazy, weak, uncoordinated, sick, unhealthy, slow, FILL IN THE BLANK to get on the road to better health/overall well-being. This especially applies to those struggling with PCOS who are under the impression that there is no way to turn their situations around.  My progress stunned my endocrinoligist last year, and I'm hoping I can make her jaw drop a little further at my next appointment.Yes, unfortunately, in most cases, women suffering from PCOS have to work twice as hard as a normal human to maintain health, but in the end, it's worth it, no?

I've got a lot of work to but I'm all in suckas.  Wanna watch me do work, son?  Read my blog.

*For the record, Law and Order: SVU is super amazing.  In no way do I regret the hours of love and dedication I paid to that tittilating treasure of a crime drama.